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17, -61
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1 Reviews on “Deep Bay”
Deep Bay in Antigua is a favorite anchorage for sailors seeking a picturesque, quiet spot with plenty of natural charm. Nestled on the island’s western coast, this anchorage has a well-protected bay with good holding ground if you find a patch of sand. The seabed here is a mix of sand and seaweed. A key draw of Deep Bay is its inviting scenery. Just offshore, there’s the wreck of the Andes, a 19th-century ship lying in shallow waters that has become a popular snorkel site. The beach itself is soft and sandy, perfect for a peaceful stroll or an afternoon swim. Overlooking the bay is Fort Barrington, a historic site that offers panoramic views of the surrounding coastline, a short hike up provides a great vantage point for photos. Accessing shore facilities is limited, so provisioning is recommended before anchoring.