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Closest Tide station
18, -64
Mon Feb 24, 12:25 AST
2025-02-24 | ||
High | 07:08 | 0.4m |
Low | 22:52 | 0.1m |
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1 Reviews on “Trellis Bay”
Trellis Bay, located on the eastern coast of Tortola on Beef Island, is a charming anchorage popular with sailors seeking both tranquility and local culture. The bay is well-sheltered from prevailing winds, providing a secure spot for anchoring, particularly with its sandy bottom patches that allows for good holding. One of the highlights of Trellis Bay is its proximity to the vibrant beach of Beef Island, which features a selection of restaurants and bars. The renowned “Trellis Bay Market” is a convenient spot for stocking up on supplies. Additionally, the area is known for its artistic community, and the nearby “Haven’sight Marina” offering a range of services. Convenient proximity to the airport.