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Map & Weather forecast
Closest Tide station
42.3333, 11.1667
Sun Mar 2, 12:35 CET
2025-03-02 | ||
Low | 04:10 | 0.0m |
High | 10:33 | 0.4m |
Low | 16:46 | 0.0m |
High | 22:48 | 0.4m |
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1 Reviews on “Cala del Gesso”
Finally escaped the marina crowds and hit Cala del Gesso today. Worked my way in around noon, scanning the bottom until I spotted a patch of sand in 8 meters. Trust me, you want to nab the middle section – those patches of rock near the edges aren’t worth the hassle. Water’s insanely transparent, could see my whole chain laid out on the bottom. Pretty handy for checking the holding. Porto Santo Stefano’s your closest pit stop, about 4 miles north. Ferries pass by offshore, so expect some wake action. Most day boats clear out by 5 PM, then it’s just you and the sunset.