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1 Reviews on “Cala Sapone”
Cala Sapone, on the southwestern coast of Sardinia, offers a tranquil anchorage known for its rocky cliffs and clear waters. Located near Sant’Antioco, this bay provides moderate shelter, primarily from northern and northeastern winds, though it’s less protected from the south. The seabed is a mix of sand and rock, so anchoring requires attention to ensure a firm hold, especially in rocky patches. The surrounding area has a rugged charm, with striking coastal rock formations and easy access to snorkeling spots right off the boat. While the anchorage itself is remote with no significant onshore facilities, there’s a small beach and some summer beach bar nearby, which makes Cala Sapone a good stop for day trips. Nearby towns like Calasetta offer more comprehensive services, including restaurants and shops, if you’re planning to stay in the area longer.