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Map & Weather forecast
Closest Tide station
14, -60
Tue Feb 25, 9:30 AST
2025-02-25 | ||
High | 02:50 | 0.5m |
Low | 07:41 | 0.4m |
High | 13:39 | 0.7m |
Low | 20:42 | 0.1m |
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1 Reviews on “Saline Point”
Navigating in can be a bit tricky, so make sure to anchor well southwest of the Diamant to avoid the waves. Depths range from 1 to 3 meters, so keep an eye on your depth sounder. It’s a peaceful spot, particularly when you’re not surrounded by kitesurfers, though the occasional wind can be quite lively. The nearby coral plateau is a beautiful backdrop to the lively scene.