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1 Reviews on “Petriti”
Tucked on Corfu’s southeastern coast, this little fishing village has a quiet charm that’s hard to resist. The holding is solid, mostly sand and mud, just watch your depth – some spots shoal up quicker than you’d expect.
There’s a laid-back rhythm here, with fishermen mending nets on the quay and a handful of tavernas dishing up some of the freshest seafood you’ll find in the Ionian. Moor stern-to if you can grab a spot, or anchor just outside the harbor. A bakery, a small supermarket, and a couple of cozy cafés make provisioning a breeze.
It’s still a working fishing village, so you won’t find fancy facilities, but that’s part of the appeal. The water is clear, the locals are welcoming, and the evenings are best spent with a plate of grilled octopus and a carafe of house wine.