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Sailing in Lazio

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A brief maritime history of Lazio

Before the city of Rome rose to prominence, the coastal lands of Lazio were inhabited by the Etruscans, whose influence stretched along the shores, leaving behind remarkable artefacts and fascinating stories. Perhaps the most well-known of these coastal settlements was the ancient city of Tarquinia, which held a special place in Etruscan society as a center of culture and religion.

The Via Aurelia

As the Roman Empire began to expand, the Lazio coast transformed into a key strategic region. The Romans developed their own coastal infrastructure. One of the earliest examples of Roman engineering genius is the construction of the famous Via Aurelia, which runs parallel to the coast. This road connected Rome to its outlying territories, making it easier for goods, armies, and information to move efficiently across the empire. The ruins of Roman villas along the coast testify to the region’s role as a retreat for the wealthy, who built sprawling estates to escape the bustling city and enjoy the tranquility of the countryside.

Aeneas, the Trojan hero

A legend says the Trojan hero Aeneas landed somewhere along this coastline, seeking refuge after his long journey across the Mediterranean. The story of Aeneas, as immortalised by Virgil’s Aeneid, weaves mythology into the landscape. Though the exact site of his landing is debated, the coast of Lazio is still imbued with a sense of legend and ancient adventure.